Your Hormones and Your Health
- hormones, low testosterone, personalized medicine
What are hormones? Hormones serve as signaling agents, orchestrating the functions of various organs and tissues to maintain homeostasis within the body. They govern numerous physiological activities, including:
Metabolism: Hormones such as insulin, thyroid hormones, and cortisol are vital in managing metabolism by overseeing energy production, storage, and usage.
Reproduction: Sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone oversee reproductive functions, influencing menstruation, ovulation, fertility, and sexual drive.
Mood and Emotions: Hormones acting as neurotransmitters, including serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, affect mood, emotions, and cognitive processes, thereby supporting mental health.
Stress Response: Hormones like cortisol and adrenaline enable the body to react to stress by elevating heart rate, blood pressure, and energy levels.
Replacing all our deficient hormones—thyroid, testosterone, DHEA, estrogen and progesterone, growth hormone and cortisol—to levels you had in your youth is critical to avoid disease and improve your quality of life. The same goes for nutritional deficiencies. Hormones, nutrition and diet all work together. Here’s the rub: everyone is biochemically unique, so one treatment plan will not work for everyone.
If a child has a hormone deficiency, it’s quickly corrected. The same low levels in older people are considered normal. This is just crazy. Normal is a relative term; no one wants hormonal levels of an 80-year-old, but labs report these levels as normal.
Hormones 101
The “normal” lab range for testosterone is 300 to 1000. If a patient has symptoms of low energy, low libido and depression, a physician may test testosterone levels but here’s the problem: if the blood test comes back and the patient is at 400 (the lower end of the range), the physician considers it normal and doesn’t look into it further. A trained physician would optimize the testosterone levels to 700 or 800 and see if there is symptom resolution.
Folks, here is where you want to push back and ask the tough questions.
Thyroid, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone have been prescribed for many years, but OPTIMAL hormonal replacement is NEW! This is where we replace all the deficient hormones at the same time.
As Director of Research for a compounding pharmacy (circa 2005), I educated hundreds of physicians on hormonal and nutritional replacement from Boca to Beverly Hills. We have 155 medical schools in the US, but none to date teach diet, nutrition or hormonal replacement.
Hormones should not be given in isolation, i.e., estrogen only or testosterone only. Physicians wait for hormones to drop to low levels and the patients suffer for years. This should not happen. We all start losing hormones at age thirty and all of them should be evaluated. I wrote an article about testosterone specifically and the dangers of low-T clinics here.
What You Can Do to Live Longer and Healthier
We have entered an era in which we can slow down the aging process. The average person over fifty is on five different medications from three different physicians who never talk to each other. These medications have nothing to do with healing. These medications treat symptoms, and root causes are never addressed.
Stay with me here. OK. Let’s look at three major illnesses: heart disease, diabetes and dementia. All require specific medications. Many people suffer with all three. What do all three have in common? Ready for this? Elevated glucose, elevated insulin, elevated systemic inflammation and hormonal deficiencies! Why in 2024 this is not common knowledge, I’ll never know, but now you know and can take control of your health.
If the 30,000 cardiologists in the US would start here, we could end heart disease, which was basically nonexistent in the 1920s.
Conventional medicine has always held the belief that aging is inevitable and that the progressive deterioration that occurs in our adult years cannot be altered.
This is simply not true.
We have also been led to believe that the diseases like heart disease, cancer and dementia are all part of normal aging.
Again, this is simply not true.
As a paramedic in the 80s, I witnessed the downward spiral of physical and mental health in the elderly. I never bought into it. Twenty-five years later, I built a team of the best and brightest physicians, pharmacists and coaches on the tip of the spear in personalized, gender-specific treatment protocols. I got both my mother and father on hormonal replacement in their 70s and their transformation was astounding. They took care of me, so I took care of them, and you can do this same for yourself and your family. Don’t settle for one drug or one treatment. There is more that you can do.
Health Empowerment
Let’s cut to the chase, folks. Empower yourself and your family to take control of your health:
1. Run your own tests. (Even conventional labs like Quest have options that don’t require a doctor’s order.)
2. Form a community of like-minded, curious people.
3. Subscribe to the Russ Scala YouTube channel for free access to dozens of videos that speak to this and other vital health topics.
4. Learn and share your knowledge.
5. Call Scala Precision Health when you’re ready for help.
Folks, we can no longer hand over our health to conventional medicine. If anything in this article resonates with you, please share it. Together we can build on the Citizen Science Movement and help people avoid needless suffering.
Thanks for reading.