Medication Nation: Is Taking Multiple Medications Extending or Ending Your Life?
- personalized medicine
In the US, the richest country in the world, 60% of adults have at least one chronic disease like heart disease, diabetes, obesity or dementia. Today, the only solution conventional medicine has to offer is more drugs. Seventy percent of Americans are taking one or more pharmaceuticals.
With prophetic clarity, we all can see what’s coming. We have a sick-care system. Prevention is the future. Each one of us must continue to ask questions. If you want to do battle and affect change, you better stay mentally and physically fit while navigating the current medical system. Let’s not stand on the sidelines. Start by taking control of your health as well as that of your family and friends. But how can one person fight the system? Well, let me show you.
How Did We Get Here?
Conventional medicine compartmentalizes diseases. Diabetes, obesity, dementia and heart disease all come with their own set of medications and specializing physicians. Therefore, people end up taking ten different medications. You can’t get these doctors to think outside the “standard of care.” Few physicians talk about diet, nutrition or hormonal deficiencies. How can they do this with a clear head? Reminds me of Nazi physicians involved in horrific experiments, justifying it in their minds by telling themselves it was for the advancement of science.
Millions of children are being medicated with stimulants, antidepressants and antipsychotics. This practice is nothing more than a chemical social control experiment. Children’s brains don’t fully develop till their mid- to late 20s. Great, so let’s medicate normal emotions that every child has as part of their development. The average child sees 30,000 advertisements a year. Many of those are medications: You want to feel good? Pop this pill and life’s good. This behavior evolves into adulthood, where a quick fix is the message of the day.
Oxycodone was sold to doctors as a safe alternative for pain management. When testosterone was offered to these same doctors they say, “Oh no! That’s a performance-enhancing drug!” Hey, Doc, testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone in both men and women, and the oxycodone you’re prescribing lowers testosterone levels which causes heart damage (not to mention the risk of addiction). The response? Crickets. So, let me get this straight…you’re scared of testosterone replacement, but oxycodone is OK…? Hmm.
Big Food and Big Pharma kill more people than the Vietnam and Iraq wars did but because the deaths are scattered across the US, very little press is given to the subject. And they select their headlines—and heroes—carefully. You get fifteen people hooked on opiates and you’re a street thug who deserves to rot in hell. You get 150,000 people hooked and you’re a marketing genius and get a bonus.
Sick of Sick-Care
Here’s something simple to think about: What do dementia, heart disease, obesity and diabetes have in common? High blood glucose, high insulin and inflammation. What does the ketogenic diet do? Ready for this? It lowers blood glucose, lowers insulin and lowers inflammation. The Standard American Diet (SAD) versus the ketogenic diet presents no contest.
This is where the ketogenic diet kicks all four comorbidities right in the ass, oh, and all the new drugs that hit the weight loss market, too. Let me get this straight: the SAME doctors that told you keto, a diet that’s been around for over 10,000 years is “dangerous” and “unsustainable” for weight loss are now recommending GLP-1 semaglutide injections, which have no long-term safety data and are proven to be unsustainable. Plus, they make hunger the enemy. One of the largest law firms in the US, Morgan & Morgan, is now taking on malpractice cases involving these new drugs.
The ketogenic diet is a billion-dollar industry with grassroots around the world. Judging from the rapid growth of the low-carb community, people are sick, literally. They’re also sick of the sick-care system that failed them. The revolution is coming from outside the system and from people like you looking for the truth and to heal without physicians involved. The world’s gone crazy but there is a subset of warriors—disruptors who are challenging existing paradigms and saving lives.
Citizen Scientists are Here to Stay
For 100 years, we have all been passive recipients of health care, never questioning our physicians. Now that’s changed, and we know there is no nutritional or diet education in medical school, so why would we trust a physician’s response to our questions? Dr. Erick Topol from the Cleveland Clinic wrote a book in 2005 called “The Patient Will See You Now.” This book lit a fuse to the citizen science movement and told doctors across the world that people will form communities, run lab tests and develop baseline treatments—all without a physician involved.
I’ve been told hundreds of times, “Russ, you can’t beat the system. It’s here to stay.”
I don’t believe that for a second. Oliver Anthony’s song, “Rich Men North of Richmond,” went viral. The passion in that’s man’s voice electrified a nation and gave people hope. People have a need for affiliation and building a tribe of like-minded people is powerful. Now with a distrust in medicine, people are doing research, running lab tests and sharing knowledge with each other. It’s a beautiful thing.
For example, go to a Facebook group for breast cancer patients and stay for a while. Read the individual journeys and the knowledge levels that expand exponentially. Oncologists tell you chemo, radiation or surgery are your only options, which is horseshit. Google “ketogenic diet and cancer,” “fasting and cancer” or hyperbaric oxygen and cancer.” Get twenty cancer patients together to tell their individual stories and you will learn more from them about lifestyle change than from any oncologist.
Your Plan, Should You Ever Need One
Can I still make a difference? I ask myself, “Can one person—me—make a difference? I do have visions of one of my videos going viral and saving a million people. Hey, I can dream.
I still give a shit and surround myself with can-do motherfuckers. My tribe reads every day. Reads, researches and runs lab tests. We all need to build a tribe—serious, like-minded people who fight misinformation at every turn. It’s this teamwork that’s crucial if you’re diagnosed with an illness. This is the time to build you team. Interview physicians with the highest success rate of a given illness, then get a second opinion. That’s a good start.
For example, let’s say you get diagnosed with cancer. Of course, you’re in shock! As you clear your head and exhale, pull a team of five friends together, each with a specific job. Try to find answers to these questions: 1) What are the current treatment protocols and success rates? 2) What are the alternative oncologists offering? 3) What’s the best diet and nutritional support? 4) Who has been in remission for 5 years? This data collection will educate you for your meeting with your oncologist. This can be done with any illness. Pull five of you best friends together, give each a specific job and watch what happens.
My mission for this rant is to show how you can empower yourself in a short period of time to save lives. If anything in this story makes you want to share the information, then I’ve done my job.