After graduating from the police academy and being placed on the SWAT team as a paramedic, I had to ask the question, “After 15 years as a life saver, can I take a life?” Every year, there was a SWAT competition where our team would compete with other teams from around the US in shooting, […]
Folks, one of my goals is to prepare you to care for aging family members, so you can navigate our broken medical system with your loved ones. We are not designed to rust away; we are not designed to get old and just break. Helping people improve their quality of life and their passion for […]
One of my first 11th-hour interventions with a top executive came in 2004 when a high-level hedge fund manager (we’ll call him Dan) just tapped out. He started drinking copious amounts of alcohol and disregarded his job, family and friends. His wife said, “I’ve never seen him like this. He’s like another person.” Millionaires think […]
“I’m pregnant and a heroin addict,” is what she said first, followed by, “I know you’re the only one who can help my baby.” My initial response was silence. This is the story. I first met Pam at an Italian restaurant where she waited tables. The owners knew me and allowed me to sit in […]
I was in the ICU at Florida Hospital. My good friend, a super-fit triathlete, almost died from a heart attack. I was stunned. “This can’t be!” I thought. The next day, I scheduled an MRI for my heart. For three days, I was scared shitless waiting on the results, just knowing I did the same […]
I watched the news with disgust when it showed Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeling on George Floyd’s neck for over eight minutes, killing him and setting off riots across major cities in the US. As a paramedic attached to a police SWAT team, I’d observed terrifying, sick behavior when good cops go bad. We […]
John weighed about 370 pounds when we found him barely conscious in his bedroom, which was filled with empty bags of Oreos, Ding Dongs and Ho-Hos. There was an empty pizza box on the floor. In front of the bed was a big screen TV. John was wearing an Adidas XXXL warm-up suit and was […]
President Ronald Reagan said in a speech once that if there was an alien invasion, he envisioned all nations would come together. Well, the coronavirus is an alien and it’s killing people. If this is a War on the Coronavirus, something like the Manhattan Project should be in play, not myopic thinking from conventional medicine. […]
This interview quizzes Russ about the use of testosterone therapy, its benefits and the myths surrounding it. Russ describes his own personal experience and summarizes years of research to illuminate this topic. Interviewer There are a lot of studies out there that talk about the negative effects of testosterone. They include heart attacks, weight loss […]